Τετάρτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Dark is Wack

How are you my super crazy fans?
I don't really care, i have other stuff to worry about right now.
So this week i went to a restaurant to get served, i wasn't really hungry i just like to see people
serving me stuff, it makes me feel important and be thankful that i don't have a poor
father and a job. So i went in and i said to a woman "go on, serve me", then
the waitress said to me "are you stupid?" and i said "lol". 
I think she must like me a lot to ask me a question so personal!!1!
Sorry ladies but i don't date working class girls 
because they don't understand me!!! ;)
Then i went outside and saw that the sun is shinning a lot lately 
so there's a lot of light and i asked myself "does the dark matter anymore?"
 and then i went back home to think about it and i darked out!! 
Its so hard to think nowadays with all those immigrants 
coming here and take our thoughts...
Then i listened to some dark metal to understand it better and i didn't really get 
it but i don't care 'cause i get a lot of compliments everyday!!!LOL. 
Anyway i think that the dark is the most beautiful colour if you're 
empty inside and since i had a really nice poop this morning 
i chose a dark outfit to match my intestines. 

So what to wear after a really nice poop?
This is by far my favourite outfit!!
Check it out:
For pants i wear space trousers, 
the top is a virgin-kneaded space sweater to keep my sweat from running down my virgin parts,
the shoes are not visible in the pictures

5+5=10 i'm not only handsome ;)

did you know that space is not only a key on the iphone but also a place??

Here is a pic of me as a cute puppy! i see why these pictures are so hot right now!! you see it too right?

please use my hashtags
#fashionbrogger #darkmales #darkmetal #fashion
#darkmatter #instahotness #instadarkness 

I hope you've learned something 
about male fashion today!
Please like me.

T. Mpougkis